
Equitable Access is a Team Sport!

Written by Team @Unveiled | Jul 3, 2024 1:12:24 PM

Welcome to the July edition of Unveiled - The Month Ahead! First Thursday arrived a day early and before everyone unplugs for the US holiday tomorrow, this month we're focusing on the power of embracing individuality to unlock the power of the collective.

From Unconscious Bias to Unstoppable Ally

We all know the feeling: being seen as "different" can be isolating and frustrating. But guess what? Different is powerful! According to a 2023 McKinsey report, companies with a diverse leadership team are 39% more likely to outperform their peers in terms of business profitability. In fact, diversity relates positively to performance in spaces beyond business, such as patient outcomes being better when they are treated by more diverse healthcare teams, and more culturally diverse soccer teams outperforming less diverse ones in the premier annual European competition, the UEFA Champions League. (The soccer mention is a must with the Euros and Copa America fever hitting a considerable part of the global sports fandom this summer!) Your unique perspectives, experiences, and voices are essential for building a truly thriving and innovative workplace where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

The Challenge: Recognizing and Overcoming Bias

Let's be honest – biases exist. We all have them, whether conscious or unconscious. A Harvard Business Review study found that 80% of managers believe they are objective in their decision-making, yet research shows they are just as susceptible to unconscious bias as anyone else (calibration meetings don't remove them). In the modern workforce, the difference between good and bad managers may boil down to how aware and intentional they are about overcoming hurdles in unlocking the full potential of their teams, where biases can be a major one. That is why Unveiled focuses on recognizing the key players who can make you win, and that’s the reason behind our impressive results! We focus on helping people analyze their sponsor landscape and establish actionable strategies to strengthen their network.

Even Lionel Messi can’t win alone!

Standing Out, Standing Together: Key Players To Win (And You can be Any or All of them!)
  • Forward: Be opportunistic in playing offense. Seek opportunities to improve processes and develop initiatives that create competitive advantage. Showcase your ability to score goals that utilize your individual talent but for the common purpose of the team’s success.
  • Goalkeeper: Be a leader who can be the blocker when needed. Marshall the defense of the team’s values, ethics, and organizational purpose. If you see someone being treated differently simply because they're "different," you can speak up to interrupt the behavior and model the higher standards.
  • Fullback: Be prepared to play offense or defense, as per the team’s needs and situations. These are the leaders who have a wide sphere of influence, typically across functions, who align with the values to defend the principles of ethics and objectivity. These players take opportunities to be proactive, leading in setting up processes for objective decision-making for the team’s progress.
  • Midfield maestro: Be the thinker and planner of your team. Understand the landscape and the key decision-makers and their proclivities to develop situational awareness. Be attuned to your own biases and how it might influence interactions with others. This foundation can help you understand the criticality of dismantling barriers and function as your own or others’ brand ambassadors in crucial decision-making rooms, knowing the message they need to deliver that resonates with the audience. For instance, there is overwhelming evidence on how biases drive the same attributes to be viewed differently when associated with women versus men, such as decisiveness which is viewed as positive in men but often labeled "brusque" and "abrupt" in women.

Be agile in the role you play because one opportunity’s sponsee is another opportunity’s sponsor.

Unveiled: Bridging the Gap to Sponsorship

At Unveiled, we believe that everyone deserves a fair shot at success and life satisfaction, regardless of background. Our mission is to bridge the gap to sponsorship, ensuring individuals from underrepresented groups have advocates who actively invest in their career advancement. Data shows that sponsorship is critical for career advancement, yet underrepresented groups often lack access to these crucial relationships.

P.S. Do you have a story about overcoming bias or celebrating your unique perspective? We'd love to hear from you!

Join the Movement!

Ready to take the conversation to the next level? Join us in New York City or through donations on July 29!

Let's create a future where "different" is not a barrier, but a badge of honor. Through your actions and your voice, you can be a powerful force for change. Here are some ways to get involved:

  • Read and Share: Spread the word about Unveiled and our mission of empowering underrepresented groups to break the cycle of being over-mentored and under-sponsored. Start with sharing this newsletter!
  • Attend Our Events: We host workshops, seminars, and discussions focused on equitable access. Join us for an upcoming event!
  • Make an Impact: Invest in the future to rewrite the narrative by donating any amount to make a difference, becoming a member, or sponsoring a ticket for our upcoming fundraiser on July 29. Your support can make a real difference.

By working together, we can create workplaces where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential. Let's break down the bias and build a stronger, more equitable future together!


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Writing Team @Unveiled

Disclaimer: Opinions here are like a diverse buffet – everyone's got their own flavor. Unveiled is the rebel chef in this kitchen, proudly independent and not tied to any entities or corporations. We're not serving up official stances, just a potluck of personal perspectives. Chew on that and feel free to spice it up with your own insights. We're all about transparency and improvement, so dish out that constructive feedback!

Dr. Swasti Gupta-Mukherjee is a professor, thought leader, and educator in finance, with expertise in financial markets and sustainable finance. Recognized globally for her award-winning course 'Finance for a Sustainable World,' she leads initiatives on financial inclusion and climate resilience while actively contributing as a consultant and public speaker in finance and sustainable development.

Sahana Mukherjee, Founder & President of Unveiled - Bridging the Gap Corp, is a distinguished HR executive and sought-after speaker, recognized as Crain’s New York 2022 Notable HR Leader. As a pioneering thought leader, she utilizes data to craft strategic approaches, steering organizations through the transformative impact of transitional technologies on the workforce. Her leadership extends beyond conventional technological integration, ‘Mapping Tomorrow’s Workforce Today’ positioning organizations as trailblazers for sustained growth and relevance.